What It's All About

Diana rays of light


Most everyone knows even a few ways to raise their frequency. You can dance, listen to music, get together with friends, exercise and hundreds of other ways to get your vibratory rate spinning at high levels. But true frequency-raising demands a consistent focus on maintaining your entire life in high gear for as long as you live. Smart frequency-raising involves both external and internal implementation of extremely useful practices that ensure a higher-than-average living experience. These “practices” are only simple shifts in how you live your life, moment to moment, every day. They are fundamental modes of directing your life toward higher, more beneficial ways of living.

In this blog, I will show you the smartest, most effective and long-term ways in which you will live at a high frequency all the time—with or without music, with or without company, with or without any extraneous elements outside of yourself. How does frequency-raising work? Here’s a short, concise explanation: Everything being essentially energy—including books, movies, houses, trees, elephants, garbage, ideas, attitudes, cities—vibrates at a particular frequency. Frequency is spirit essence. It exists literally everywhere…including within our human bodies. We are spirits inhabiting a handy, convenient “vehicle”—our bodies—which accommodate us in numerous ways, as we move through life, as it is, on planet Earth.

Your specific frequency will vibrate at any frequency with which you align yourself. So, for example, if you hang out with drug addicts or con artists, eat primarily junk food, or lie, cheat and steal, your frequency is not in a very good alignment with higher energies. Thus, you’re not living in a frequency zone where you will attract the better things in life, such as ease, plenty, sweetness, peace. You may, however, be living a righteous life, in which bounty and joy are yours. If so, ask yourself this question: Is there room for my frequency to rise? Could my life be better—in my mind, heart, spirit and body?

Many people are unhappy, unfulfilled or aimlessly going through the monotonous daily motions of earth life—especially in these days of global unrest, fear, dread and economic strife. Raising your frequency is the key to moving you out of any inner or outer turmoil, strife, malaise or a sense of futility. When your frequency rises, so does your life situation. The proof is in the pudding. Focus on just one smart way to raise your frequency for the long haul, and you will see dramatic shifts in the way your life evolves. Once you’ve got the proof, keep going with more wonderful ways to raise your frequency.

This blog will show you some of those smart ways that bring freedom, autonomy and quality into your life. Little by little, your life will improve. Watch for signs, soon after you embark on your frequency-raising mission, that effortlessly allow you to gift yourself with a balanced, quality, meaningful life.

Raise yourself from mediocrity and banality. Fine tune those sagging areas of your character or personality, work ethic, relationships, communication skills. Improve your life in any way and in all ways. There is no training, per se, involved in frequency raising. It literally happens on its own, within you, as you continue to incorporate a fresh, new ethos into your overall being. That’s the smart way to raise your frequency, and keep it raised for your entire life.

Check out this blog daily, as I’ll be informing you of many different ways to raise your frequency in smart, long-lasting, powerful ways. Raising your frequency is the single most important thing that you can do. When your frequency rises, it automatically does the same for the world around you.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


You can attract love, quite powerfully, by adjusting certain ways of how you behave, speak, think, look and feel about yourself. Each of those manners of being are actually calibrated by your frequency: How you are, at this moment, is a clear reflection of who you are. It is based on what you yourself put out, and then, what your frequency brings to the table, in kind. Nothing of great value will reach your desired frequency level if your mind, your heart and your spirit are not in gear: open, approachable and receptive. These three aptitudes are not impossible to attain. You don’t have to be born with them; you can cultivate them.

This post is about attracting the love of a potential mate---a life partner. But that doesn’t mean you won’t attract all kinds of love. As the Beatles’ song goes, “The love you take is equal to the love you make”.

A heightened frequency will spark the love vibration. Love and an elevated frequency reside at the same life energy level. As you might already know, the first rule of thumb of raising your frequency is to put yourself in order---beginning with your body. A clean, tidy appearance is indicative of the care you put forth for yourself. Care about your clothes, how they look on you and that they are clean and ironed, too. Does all this raise your frequency? Of course it does. If you’re not focused on looking good, you’re not going to feel as good as you could. You won’t feel right---spry, sharp, crispy!---with a sagging frequency. If your body is out of shape, get it in shape; don’t waste time. Lose those extra pounds. Get a new hair style if it’s straggly and unattractive.

Ladies and gentlemen: Primp. Do your very best to look your very best.
Don’t just look nice when going out or meeting with friends or a date. In order to keep your frequency at high levels, you’ve got to look good all the time. Whether you’re at home alone or living with others, make it a point to be clean, presentable and fresh. Never look sloppy. Don’t make your frequency plummet; keep it high.

Your exterior is important, of course. But your interior might be even more so. Remember your heart, mind and spirit? They take center stage in the realm of “linking magnetism”. Your looks and appearance will only take you so far, though they do function as the initial enticement. The biggie is the real you---inside. To attract the kind of person you hope to magnetize to you, you’ve got to be pretty magnetic yourself.

You’ll have to nurture ---really nurture---your heart, mind and spirit.
To attract love, you’ve got to be open---not just when you meet someone, but all the time, whether you’re by yourself or not. Use your senses to sensitize yourself. Get out into Nature, even if it’s a park or a garden. Look, smell, feel the leaves, flowers, trees. Hug a tree. I do. Rather than feeling embarrassed, you might actually make others want to do the same; that has actually been my experience. Listen to the birds, bullfrogs, crickets, squirrels. Take in deep breaths. Be in the experience. Take it all into your being. Merge with it. The more often you do this,
the more love you will magnetize to yourself. It is true.

Romance yourself. Listen to music---dance, sway, hum, sing---be alive.
Do what makes you feel romantic. Light candles when you eat, make a toast to yourself, play music in the background. Stir the love inside you. Show love and care and attention to yourself. Take yourself out on a date. Go to a movie, a restaurant or a concert---alone….yet not alone, at all. Keep in mind that you are already "the whole package".

You will develop a loving, nurturing and nourishing relationship with yourself, when you interact with your heart and your spirit. Follow the whims of your spirit. Would your spirit rather clean house today…..or go on a hike in the mountains, or take a walk on the beach? If you can forego the housecleaning for a time, when spirit doesn’t want to, then listen to your spirit. Spirit is the romantic in you. Be with yourself the same way you would be with your partner. Fall in love with yourself. I am not referring to being sappy. I am referring to your loving yourself at a very high frequency, with depth, meaning, intensity and power. Taking such measures, as I’ve pointed out above, will naturally put you very much in tune with yourself, as long as you are sincere and dedicated to your plan for an enriching life.

Caveat: Be sure not to focus on “attracting a mate”. That is not your ultimate goal, in the big scheme of things. The “big scheme of things” is your becoming a more developed, enhanced, human being---one who attracts not only love, but greater beauty, power and wisdom.

You will become a love magnet---if you are not one, already! Hold onto your power by not wishing, hoping expecting. Expect nothing, other than to become the best that you can be. Allow the Universe to bring you the mate who will be the right one for you. For this to happen, becoming a “love magnet” is a fantastic way for you to align yourself with the Universe. Let that special magnetic person come to you of his or her own will---or destiny. You just focus on you, and let the magic come, of its own accord.

32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and Kindle


  1. Your husband really is the luckiest man alive. Diana YOU are so beautiful in every way, how could anybody not want want to become a beautiful love magnet like you. Your blog positively vibrates. THANK YOU

    1. Thank you, thank you! Looks to me like YOU are coming from a pretty high-vibrating place yourself! God bless.

    2. No, I am not in a very high vibrating place myself, although I am trying to be. I am divorcing my unfaithful husband. God bless you.

    3. Keep working at it. You really need to keep your frequency up, particularly in down times;that's when life can really snowball. Please try to be strong and pull yourself out of the malaise---which I do completely understand. I went through the same thing, the first time around. Please don't sabotage yourself. This is happening because it is meant to; you have probably outgrown him and the Universe is pointing you toward a higher path to take.. The toughest times tend to take us to our greatest rewards. If he's not for you anymore, then someone A LOT BETTER is waiting for you. TRUST.

  2. Thank you for your kind words. I wish all people were as thoughtful, faithful, honest and clean living like you. I am middle aged, have three kids and an elderly mother to support on hardly an income, I doubt anybody is going to be interested in me, but thank you for your positive words. You must be so thankful that you met this amazing man you share so much love with. You are beautiful, he is a very lucky man and your kids have an amazing example a loving relationship.

    1. Thank you, again for your kind and loving words. I am human, and I do have my own ups and downs, as well. It's not what happens to us, but how we handle ourselves and our lives, in the process. Do we give up and throw in the towel? Or do we take the bull by the horns and become resolute about making things work the way we want them to work. It looks to me that you are cheating yourself by "doubting that no one would be interested in you". Where did you get that idea? You need to rise a lot higher above mainstream "negative" thinking. Yes, this is difficult, but it is not impossible to manage OR to free yourself from your burdens---children, mother, cheating husband............... Ask yourself: How much do you truly want to help yourself? Do you see life, in general, as drudgery? Do you think you can pull yourself out of it? Can you? YES, I know you can. But do you want to? How do you feel when you read my post about "becoming a love magnet?" Does that resonate with you, at all? You might just need to go through the process of mourning your separation and the situations in which you find yourself. Right now, it doesn't seem as though you are ready to give yourself the boost you need. If that is the case, then that is fine if that is your choice. I pray that you will soon come to see a much greater possibility that is waiting for you, once you step up to the plate. God bless you and try to keep your spirits up----as well as your frequency. Take one day at a time; try, somehow, to enjoy today. Be thankful for all of your blessings. Namaste.

  3. Namaste and thank you Diana
