Have you got a grudge? Are
you resentful, angry or annoyed with
someone or some situation or matter? Are you harboring guilt within yourself
that you refuse to shake off? If the slightest thing is niggling at your mind,
heart and/or spirit, you need to shake it off, or else you will stay right
where you are until you do. The sooner you get
over it the faster and the easier you will allow your frequency to rise; you will also feel a lot better on
all counts.
All of those above-mentioned
sentiments or feelings are fed by ego---yes, including guilt. As long as those horribly negative emotions and attitudes
continue within your energy field, ego will have its hold on you: it will be
happy to keep you down, miserable and guilty.
Once you get over feeling that way, ego loses its power over you.
Grudges, bitterness, guilt,
animosity and resentment are extremely counterproductive to your spiritual
growth. By holding on to those energies, you actually stunt the
development of your psyche---your
essence. There is absolutely nothing useful or positive about harboring
self-sabotaging energies. Release them.
When you do, it will be like cutting the string of a balloon and allowing it to
soar to great heights, taking you right with it.
It is easier said than done
to just rid yourself of inner demons that get a hold of you so tenaciously. But
it must be done; otherwise, you will
remain a slave to your weak self--- known as that part of you that latches
oh-so-easily onto ego. The more you allow yourself to hold on to those thought
and emotional patterns, the more you will suffer. However difficult it is to
rid yourself of them, it can be done.
It’s like a vicious cycle:
The more you feed into the anger, resentment, guilt or any other self-inflicted
malaise syndrome, the worse it will become---but of course. The saddest bit about
that is that your frequency cannot help you at that time.
Your frequency is your gauge
for how much spiritual power you have, at any given time of your life. So when
you enter into energy realms of fear, pompousness, ridicule, or any of the
above-mentioned stances that you take---plus, plus---your frequency will be
meeting you right there---and it
won’t budge toward the higher road….until you
do. And again I say, you can do it.
To be one hundred per cent
effective---and not fall right back into your self-undoing mode---the
prescription is the same as it is for all frequency-raising techniques:
consistency and will. For some people, developing consistency and will are hard
enough; if that is the case with you, then you’ll need to work on those areas
of yourself first. Clearly, it isn’t enough to just say, “I won’t feel guilty
anymore” or “I’ll stop holding a grudge toward my neighbor”. There has got to
be some serious inner work that will
nip those thoughts and feelings in the bud.
Following almost any and all
of the frequency-raising principles in 32
Ways to Raise Your Frequency will aim you in the right direction; so will some
of the posts that are here, on this blog. When you begin to consciously gear yourself toward a path
of upward frequency momentum, you will naturally
become unchained to those lower self-undermining energies. There are more tactics
that you can specifically use to bulldoze those nasty ego demons head-on:
Meditation is the number one
key. It is the master of settling the mind. But first, you are the master of orienting yourself toward the habit of
meditation. Success comes with your consistency and will to become the master
of yourself. If you feel that jumping right into meditation is daunting for
you, then try journal writing to begin with. Journal writing eases the mind by
ridding it of a lot of waste that not only lingers there, but goes round and
round, never being allowed to escape.
If you’re not ready for
either one---yet, it is still important
that you shake off those negative, intrusive, self-demeaning cling-ons. Here it
is in a nutshell: Every time you begin to think
about whatever it is that’s eating away at you, shake it off in that instant!
See the guilt, the anger, the what-have-you, disappear---feel it gone! You might want to authoritatively say, STOP! or NO! That will probably work for about 3 seconds. You might have to “shake it off” numerous times, over the first few days; but as long as you catch the negative thought or feeling as soon as it hits your consciousness, get rid of it, there and then. With repeated words, such as OUT!, STOP!, or NO! your subconscious mind will get the picture over time. You don’t have to necessarily do this practice out loud; you can think it, feel it, see it in your mind’s eye. But just do it with power and conviction, knowing that your intention to “get over it” is immovable and resolute. Use just one word; combining two or more words complicates the process. The subconscious mind is more helpful to us when we use simple wording.
See the guilt, the anger, the what-have-you, disappear---feel it gone! You might want to authoritatively say, STOP! or NO! That will probably work for about 3 seconds. You might have to “shake it off” numerous times, over the first few days; but as long as you catch the negative thought or feeling as soon as it hits your consciousness, get rid of it, there and then. With repeated words, such as OUT!, STOP!, or NO! your subconscious mind will get the picture over time. You don’t have to necessarily do this practice out loud; you can think it, feel it, see it in your mind’s eye. But just do it with power and conviction, knowing that your intention to “get over it” is immovable and resolute. Use just one word; combining two or more words complicates the process. The subconscious mind is more helpful to us when we use simple wording.
By focusing on your thoughts
and feelings, you have brought yourself to the power of now. When you are present within yourself, you are empowered
and are much better equipped to take your life to much higher levels of
frequency than when you are distracted, zoned out, or just not paying attention
to “the moment”.
Once you’ve gotten the hang
of it, and you start actually feeling
a change within you---and you will---
that’s when you can embellish your practice by adding something positive, right
after you’ve said, thought or felt those banishing words. Visualize a bright
light---like the sun---shine all the negativity away. See it happen, feel it, make it happen. Or, if you’d rather,
visualize a heart---any color that comes to you (other than black, brown or gray), and place that in your mind,
replacing it where the negative energy once was. You can try various other
symbols, such as flower, a star, or a big, friendly, happy smile. Continue with
this practice for as long as it takes for your mind, heart and spirit to “come
clean”. Incorporating this along with meditation and/or journal writing will be
a huge bonus to you and a grand leap for your frequency. The biggest key is: Don’t give up. Get over it!
Write to me and let me
know how you are doing...or if you need any personal guidance. Godspeed.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
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