What It's All About

Diana rays of light


Most everyone knows even a few ways to raise their frequency. You can dance, listen to music, get together with friends, exercise and hundreds of other ways to get your vibratory rate spinning at high levels. But true frequency-raising demands a consistent focus on maintaining your entire life in high gear for as long as you live. Smart frequency-raising involves both external and internal implementation of extremely useful practices that ensure a higher-than-average living experience. These “practices” are only simple shifts in how you live your life, moment to moment, every day. They are fundamental modes of directing your life toward higher, more beneficial ways of living.

In this blog, I will show you the smartest, most effective and long-term ways in which you will live at a high frequency all the time—with or without music, with or without company, with or without any extraneous elements outside of yourself. How does frequency-raising work? Here’s a short, concise explanation: Everything being essentially energy—including books, movies, houses, trees, elephants, garbage, ideas, attitudes, cities—vibrates at a particular frequency. Frequency is spirit essence. It exists literally everywhere…including within our human bodies. We are spirits inhabiting a handy, convenient “vehicle”—our bodies—which accommodate us in numerous ways, as we move through life, as it is, on planet Earth.

Your specific frequency will vibrate at any frequency with which you align yourself. So, for example, if you hang out with drug addicts or con artists, eat primarily junk food, or lie, cheat and steal, your frequency is not in a very good alignment with higher energies. Thus, you’re not living in a frequency zone where you will attract the better things in life, such as ease, plenty, sweetness, peace. You may, however, be living a righteous life, in which bounty and joy are yours. If so, ask yourself this question: Is there room for my frequency to rise? Could my life be better—in my mind, heart, spirit and body?

Many people are unhappy, unfulfilled or aimlessly going through the monotonous daily motions of earth life—especially in these days of global unrest, fear, dread and economic strife. Raising your frequency is the key to moving you out of any inner or outer turmoil, strife, malaise or a sense of futility. When your frequency rises, so does your life situation. The proof is in the pudding. Focus on just one smart way to raise your frequency for the long haul, and you will see dramatic shifts in the way your life evolves. Once you’ve got the proof, keep going with more wonderful ways to raise your frequency.

This blog will show you some of those smart ways that bring freedom, autonomy and quality into your life. Little by little, your life will improve. Watch for signs, soon after you embark on your frequency-raising mission, that effortlessly allow you to gift yourself with a balanced, quality, meaningful life.

Raise yourself from mediocrity and banality. Fine tune those sagging areas of your character or personality, work ethic, relationships, communication skills. Improve your life in any way and in all ways. There is no training, per se, involved in frequency raising. It literally happens on its own, within you, as you continue to incorporate a fresh, new ethos into your overall being. That’s the smart way to raise your frequency, and keep it raised for your entire life.

Check out this blog daily, as I’ll be informing you of many different ways to raise your frequency in smart, long-lasting, powerful ways. Raising your frequency is the single most important thing that you can do. When your frequency rises, it automatically does the same for the world around you.

Friday, February 14, 2014


If you find yourself wishing, hoping or dreaming for “something better” in your life, you could be going down the wrong path. Hoping, wishing and dreaming are intangible pies in the sky, and do not guarantee any certainty of manifestation on any plane---including the earth plane. Hitch yourself to a “miracle wagon” that will be more likely to bring you what you want than spinning wishes in your head with a non-existent magic wand.

Wishing for anything is like putting a message in a bottle, and sending it off in an infinite ocean, where you will never know if the bottle will reach the “genie” on the other side, or not. Keep in mind, though, that if you do wish for something, and it does come to you, it is more than likely that you would have received it, had you not made a wish at all.

If something is meant to be yours, the Universe will see to it that you have it.
You can empower yourself to bring great manifestations into your life by following certain frequency-raising practices that are guaranteed to bring you what you desire, provided that you consider two important factors: 1) that you follow the frequency-raising tips to a T; and 2) that the Universe sees fit that what you want is in keeping with your best and highest interest.

If you are already living at a relatively high frequency, then you will probably desire those miracles that are in alignment with what the Universe deems to be appropriate for your life experience---whatever that may be.

The maneuvering of your personal energy---your frequency---is a subtle, powerful, and most often an effective tactic for “making miracles happen”. First of all, here’s what you don’t do: tell anyone; focus on what you want; doubt that it will happen; fear, wonder, give up. And here is what you do do: Envision having what you want---NOW, not in the future. There is no future in the world beyond our Earth---or on Earth itself, for that matter; everything is in the here and now. See yourself experiencing what it is that you are “hoping” for---but without hoping. See it, feel it; and most importantly, live it---in your mind, your heart, your soul. Know that it is already yours. This is a must if you are to achieve such a manifestation of your desired outcome.

Following this recipe requires great mind power. You have it at your disposal already; make sure that you know that you have it. Now, exercise that power. It is a part of you. Wake it up if you have to.

After you have initially put your “wish” in gear, forget about it. If the idea crops up in your mind---and it will---then go through the same exercise as indicated above: Envision it happening, see it as yours now; feel it in your life, at this very moment. Do this as often as you feel the need to, or when you start to doubt, fear, worry or feel like forgetting the whole plan. If you are strong enough, those negative interferences will eventually dwindle by the wayside, and you will feel yourself becoming more and more powerful; what’s more, you will actually feel the magnetism of what you want coming into being. Don’t second-guess anything, however, until the situation presents itself completely and is set in stone. Just keep working at it. Be patient.and know that it is yours.

This may remind you of the film, The Secret, that came out a number of years ago. The problem with that documentary---which many luminaries have subsequently corroborated---is that manifesting anything that anyone wants can be a very dangerous thing, in certain situations. Life is not a free-for-all, where anything goes, whenever we want, and just the way we want it. Heed the warning: Your frequency must be in keeping with a high-level energy field, and what you desire must be in keeping with your path.

I have yet to have not manifested what I have wanted for myself, through the decades of my life. It has all come to pass for me. I am no more of a magician than you are. “Magic” is merely manifesting what already exists in the ethereal….into our mundane realm.

You can use your power to not only “get things”, like a new job, the right mate, or a new car. You can also use it to put the frequency right if you are having problems with a neighbor, a fellow worker, a difficult situation or where you are living.
(By the way, if you do desire the miracle of attracting a mate, make no specifications regarding anything about them. Trust that the Universe knows exactly who will be the best mate for you.)

Enjoy and stay strong.

32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and Kindle


  1. You should consider re-writing The Secret and call it Diana "The Secret of My Success".
