There are given twists and turns between soul mates. There
are also blends between soul mates that just do not happen with other mates who
are not connected to your soul. The intimacy between soul mates is far beyond
anything that stems from the Earth. It is spawned from Spirit Itself. This is
why it is so remarkable when soul meets soul, here on Planet Earth. It happens
because they meet from a higher dimension---a
higher frequency. Seeking your soul mate does not mean that you have to go
traipsing around the world to find him or her. You seek him in your heart, in
your mind, and in your spirit and soul. The gravitational pull that one has
when he or she desires someone seemingly unimaginable is beyond anything that
can be compared, here on Earth, per se.
The power of your
desire can bring what you want and what you need, straight to you. Your spirit
is what brings your power from deep inside of you---within the depths of your
psyche. By connecting with that part of you and focusing on what you want with pure honesty and
clarity, you are likely to attract that which you desire. It might seem easy,
but in order to keep a strong hold on---let’s say, your soul mate---you will have to stay focused on that
factor, with your entire inner being. Staying focused means to actually feel the presence of your soul mate;
experience that person’s existence within your heart, mind, soul and body. You do not need a face to see or a
name to know; just be aware that your spiritual power is greater than anything
else you might imagine.
On the other hand, you do not necessarily have
to do anything in order to experience your connection with your soul
mate---that is, when it comes to “trying to make it happen”. If you are at a high enough frequency level where serendipity and
magic come together, that is really all you need. This is not hocus-pocus,
fantastical machinations or anything that is beyond right where you are in this
world. When your overall being is in line with universal principles, your life
will bring you those gifts which are of the highest degree---one of them, very
likely, your soul mate.
principles are tenets of which we are all very well aware. It is simply a
matter of whether one chooses to take the high road or not. Millions of people
prefer to take the low road---or somewhere in between. That is their choice;
however, there is always a price to pay.
We cannot afford
to be careless or lackadaisical about whom we end up with, in the overall
scheme of things. We must all seek higher ground, where higher frequency meets
you there. If we do not rise to loftier levels of consciousness, we tend to
stagnate, thus going nowhere. This was why it was so important for me to have
my soul mate; and nonetheless, it was just as important for him. This is how it
is with all soul mates, whether they know it in this lifetime, or not.
Generally, however, regarding those coupled soul mates whom I know, they all had
the same “sacred serendipity” as my soul mate and I have experienced. They knew that they had been together, over
and over again. They recognized their soul mate from the start. This happens
time and again.
It seems that,
without our soul mates, we could be somewhat lost. I see people, here and
there, without a soul mate, and they do seem
to be quite lost. If you are feeling as though you are in limbo within
yourself, consider seeking your own soul mate---“the only one” who could more
than likely be waiting for you.
The world is profuse with human
beings, dying to find their soul mate. What about you?
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon and Kindle
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