I went on a hike this
morning, to one of my favorite frequency-raising areas in the Santa Monica
Mountains. Since just a few years ago, graffiti-mongers have ravaged the
beginning portion of my sacred path. Every time I’d see the damage that had
been done to my sacrosanct haven, resentment and sadness would plague my heart.
But today was a different day: I looked beyond
the graffiti to those who had marred Nature’s beauty. To them, though, it
wasn’t “marring” at all; it was a desperate attempt to purge the muck out of
their spirit---to clear away the film
that was smothering their very essence. These were frustrated artists.
One of the most effective ways
that we are able to connect with our spirit is through creative expression---art. Creativity is a close second to
meditation. Creativity, in fact, is a
meditation in itself. It opens our heart and connects us to our spirit---the
cradle of creativity.
We are all artists. Those who
are not aware of this fact are most likely those who are not in touch with
their spirit---or at least not enough. In all
human beings there is a profound urge to create---the most fundamental means to
creating being giving birth. Every time we create something---anything---we give birth to a part of
ourselves. Whenever we create a piece of art or music, a meal or a garden, for
example, our heart literally opens, every
time. We feel successful; we have accomplished something gratifying and
spiritually satisfying. Our spirit yearns
for creative attention; it is its way of thriving in its best and highest way.
If all people on our planet
imbibed in some form of creativity, this world would be a much happier,
healthier place. Millions of people are suffering from an unfulfilled
spirit---an unused spirit, in the scheme of allowing it to create. When one’s spirit is confined, unattended to, and
possibly even abused, they hunger for
some kind of relief. When our spirit
thrives, we are happy. It’s that simple. And just as simple, is knowing how to make our spirit thrive:
It is through creating anything that makes us feel good about ourselves.
Many of us are frustrated
artists. Any kind of frustration stunts our spiritual growth and keeps our
frequency from resonating at higher levels. But frustration within the spirit
is the most difficult of all because it is spirit
that enlivens us.
Are you a frustrated artist? Have you given yourself the gift of true freedom within yourself? If you are down, confused, sad, depressed, feeling as though you are in limbo, it’s time to start communicating with your spirit. You do this through your heart by creating. If you believe that you cannot create anything, then you are deceiving yourself, because you can. It is your God-given gift to express yourself creatively. It is already there, inside you. Even doodling is a form of creation. Touch on your heart to find the place within yourself from which you can express yourself creatively. If you have already been entertaining one or more forms of creativity, but haven’t gotten around to fulfilling the urgings of your spirit, what are you waiting for? The power of now is only now.
Are you a frustrated artist? Have you given yourself the gift of true freedom within yourself? If you are down, confused, sad, depressed, feeling as though you are in limbo, it’s time to start communicating with your spirit. You do this through your heart by creating. If you believe that you cannot create anything, then you are deceiving yourself, because you can. It is your God-given gift to express yourself creatively. It is already there, inside you. Even doodling is a form of creation. Touch on your heart to find the place within yourself from which you can express yourself creatively. If you have already been entertaining one or more forms of creativity, but haven’t gotten around to fulfilling the urgings of your spirit, what are you waiting for? The power of now is only now.
Take yourself to a new level
of living---thriving: Create! Do art,
music, dancing, gardening, cooking, sewing, writing. Use play-dough, building
blocks, tiles---or make your own! Once your creative juices get going, you
won’t want to stop. That is the nature of Life: Life cannot help but continue
to create….and on multitudinous levels. Open up your talent…..and run with it. Allow yourself to blossom;
cherish that. It will change your entire perspective of Life, as well as of
Open up your inner creativity
box----and watch your frequency take you to heights of living you will have
never imagined. Your heart is the door to your creativity. Open your heart, give love whenever you can; that is what opens your heart big and wide; it is also what allows your magnificent creativity to spill forward. What comes first? The loving, and then the creativity? Or first, the creativity....and then the loving? Does it really matter? Just get to it!
32 Ways of Raising Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and Kindle
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