Many people dogmatically believe that they
are not creative. It is not possible to be human and to not have a powerful
source of creativity at one’s core. Letting the creative juices flow is a
matter of cutting through the layers---the peeling of the fruit, in order to
let the juice start
flowing. Those layers are doubt, fear, complacency, pride, diffidence…..ego. The focus is on the false self,
rather than on the real, creative self. Once
the individual starts to pull away from identifying with those aspects which
have nothing to do with their true self, then more of soul can reveal
itself through abounding creativity.
Are you one of the millions of people who
say “I can’t draw, I have no artistic talent”?
That belief is
a sacrilege. Creative talent is within every soul. The creative urge is in each
and every one of us because creation is in the heart of our existence. We were born
to create. The reason so many people are reticent to take that paintbrush or
drawing pencil in hand is, once again, that ubiquitous enemy: EGO.
Ego-centered pride is the biggest hindrance to creative expression. The
general attitude of those folks is: If they can’t get it right from the
beginning, they would rather not subject themselves to the indignity and
humiliation of having to face their (very misconceived) shortcomings. “How
can I bear to stumble and
get tangled up in a creative process?” “How
can I stand to create anything that
isn’t good? I can’t even draw a straight line!” The bare truth is that anything created from your soul is “good”.
How could it not be? We are all born creators.
Who is the judge of your creativity? NO
ONE. Not a single soul has
any reason at all to judge creation.
We were created to be creators, in all ways possible. Pick up that paintbrush,
pencil, crayon or pen….and create to your heart’s content. “To your
heart’s content” is a beautiful expression: We create in order to fill our
heart with glee---nobody else’s heart; just our own. Write a story or a poem;
write about your life…or your love. Draw, paint---even finger-painting, if
that’s what moves you. Squeeze those
creative juices out of you. Open your mind and your heart: See the reality of the beauty that you can create. Don’t judge your
creativity. Whatever creation comes from you is from your tender heart. How can
anything be “wrong” with what comes from our heart---nothing can. Do we judge love?
Love comes from our heart---the very same place from where our sacred, raw
talent comes.
I never
considered myself to be “an artist” until I was in my 40s. Something happened
to me, where I had a relentless need
to draw. Prior to that, I had taken art class after art class, and I’d always
end up with results that did not please me. I realized that it was because the
instructors always told us what we had to draw or paint; there was never any abandon to my art-class drawing. So
later on, when that wonderful urge overtook me, I took to drawing and painting
like wildfire. I fell in love with “my art”; whether others liked it or not,
didn’t matter. It was my creation.
Go on now: Get on that artistic
bandwagon of yours. Refer to yourself as “an artist”---whether it’s cooking,
painting, drawing, writing, gardening, sewing, or what-have-you. Art is not only
a God-given gift; it is also our gift to The Great Spirit! As we grow, He
grows. As we expand our consciousness---through art, for example---The Universe expands
in kind. Everything that exists has a profound influence on The All. We are responsible for creating a greater world….and a
greater Cosmos. We’re not meant to just go through the motions of daily, human
life, eating, working, watching t.v. and sleeping; we are meant to expand, both within and as far without
as we can…and as we dare. Dare to plunge into the waters of your own spirit; feel yourself fly as you free yourself into your very
own creations. In so doing, you release the wonder and the beauty that you have brought into the Universe, thus adding to its
magnificent essence. You are part of
our Universe. What you create becomes a part of The All. Thank you!
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and Kindle
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