The people whom you attract
into your life are those who resonate at or near your own frequency---or would like to. It is important to be
vigilant regarding those people who join your circle---and by “circle”, I don’t
just mean it in a prosaic sense; I am referring to it in a frequency sense.
Another person’s frequency
can either pull you down, lift you up, or blend in with your own frequency. It
isn’t enough to accept people into your life because of how they may appear on the outside. Appearances do not determine
the quality of the individual. A person’s true
quality is evident by their frequency; for it is their very frequency which
mirrors who they really are.
Many people are not
necessarily adept at sizing up someone’s frequency. Nevertheless, most of us do have
feelers---those invisible psychic antennae that give us a pretty good
indication of spiritual energy---frequency---that
is part and parcel of every person’s being. If you can sense a high or low
frequency in a place, then you can do
the same vis-à-vis a human being. The
catch is to not get caught up in “ego things”---such as fame, popularity,
charm, wealth, good looks or their flattery toward you. People who fall victim
to those who are users, liars, charlatans, connivers, thieves, low-lifes, or just generally of a low frequency, can quickly and
easily end up with a sagging frequency themselves! It may not last long if they
nip it in the bud and move toward higher-frequency people and places; but if
they hang around such low-frequency types, they are in for trouble, in any
number of ways. It doesn’t have to be anything dangerous, per se; possibly just
a diminishing ability to perceive things clearly…..or maybe something more.
I have developed friendships,
once in a while, with people who I initially felt were “the cat’s meow”, but
who turned out to be not for me. I
got to know them better based on how I
felt when I was with them. Was I uncomfortable with them? Did I feel
uneasy, not myself? Did I behave or speak in ways that were not in line with
how I usually am? Yes to all of those
questions. You can take it to another level: Do they gossip? Do they judge or
malign others? Those are big red flags of low frequency energy fields. Humans
sometimes tend to forgive those big, red, flashing lights of low-frequency
people by alluding to their impressive academic or professional background, how
philanthropic they are or seemingly kind-hearted. Though all that may be true,
one’s frequency is the gauge for who they
are in essence.
Low-frequency people can easily bring your own frequency down. They don't have to do anything to you for you to get caught within their energy field. Very low-frequency people very often tend to be negative ways. They are often not even aware of that---but we are. They are powerful in the sense that their force fields build up negative energy, whereby they become so intense that they resemble what I call a "black hole". A black hole in space, is heavy, dense, dark and impossible to get out of.
Low-frequency people can easily bring your own frequency down. They don't have to do anything to you for you to get caught within their energy field. Very low-frequency people very often tend to be negative ways. They are often not even aware of that---but we are. They are powerful in the sense that their force fields build up negative energy, whereby they become so intense that they resemble what I call a "black hole". A black hole in space, is heavy, dense, dark and impossible to get out of.
Keep your frequency as high
and healthy and thriving as you can. Learn to know people: You can do it by staying present, paying attention, listening to your gut or inner voice.
When your frequency resonates high, you will get those messages; there is no
guessing whatsoever. Your discerning skills will keep you from entering into
low-frequency zones---or at least, get you out of them fast! Your discerning skills---brought about by your high
frequency---will also take you to high-frequency places, where high-frequency
people, opportunities, miracles and surprises will find you. Yes! They really do.
We have absolutely nothing to fear when we are in charge of
our lives---when we align ourselves with Universal Energy by following those
principles that keep us safe always. Accidents don’t just happen; neither do miracles. Take your pick.
My guess is that you’d choose the kind of life and friends and experiences that
will bring you great joy, satisfaction and peace of mind.
Raise your frequency---high
and for ever.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and
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