I hope you’re not waiting
around for January 1, 2016, to get on your New Year’s Resolution bandwagon!
Every day, try to create a New Day’s
Resolution for yourself and your beautiful life. We humans have created
that demarcation point, where, on January 1st, we decide “to be
better”---whatever “better” is.
In the overall scheme of
things, we must make the effort to improve our personal skills---how we live
this life---on an ongoing basis. Make a New
Day’s Resolution for yourself, every day. If you resolve to change the same
habit every day, that is good enough.
At least, you are conscious of the need to rectify that part of yourself; and
if you need to continue to be true to the same resolution, then so be it---good for you! If we make too many
resolutions, in a short period of time, it is more taxing on the psyche to
focus wholeheartedly on each one.
Make a New Day’s Resolution,
starting today. Make that your New Year’s Resolution: to
follow a New Day’s Resolution every day---even if it’s the same resolution.
Once you have conquered one habit, condition or way of doing things, immediately
move on to the next. Watch how your frequency starts to climb, and how much
freer you will feel on a daily basis.
New Year’s Resolutions are
difficult to keep because you might get bored or even forget about them, as the
days and months move on, through the year. That can’t happen with a New Day’s
Resolution. It is the same thing as deciding to raise your frequency on an ongoing basis.
Get yourself in gear---every
day, every moment of every day. Fight the urge to flake out, to give in to an
all-too-comfy lazy zone. I sometimes have to fight those lower energies,
myself; and when I do, I come out feeling triumphant, strong, and one step
ahead of where I would have otherwise been.
Do you want to take control
of your very self; or do you prefer to be a slave to your lower self?---that
part of all of us that kicks in only when
we allow it to.
In this beautiful season,
give yourself the gift of yourself.
Keep raising your frequency: Feed your life the best nutrients that you can.
Stay present, focused, grounded and centered. Raise your frequency.
The Force is truly with you.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and
Write to me at diana@frequencyraising.com
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