Resisting can be quite
tricky. Sometimes, you may think that you should resist doing or saying
something; and, at other times, you give resisting no consideration at all.
It’s true: Resisting can be a rather confusing decision to make. What makes it
particularly difficult is that one usually decides whether or not to “resist”
in the blink of an eye, rather than waiting
within yourself for the right course to take.
Resisting can mean the rising
of your frequency, in a split second, or its crashing, in the same split
second. If you are present and grounded, you are likely to make the right
decision: Do I resist getting embroiled in this argument? Or do I go for it,
throw myself into the battlefield of life, yet again. Or, do I resist buying something that my gut is telling me not to---for any number of reasons: I can’t
afford it, I don’t like it enough,
I’ll never use it. The truth is: The reasons in your mind do not have any bearing on your buying the item or
not: it is your gut that knows.
Before resisting anything,
pull back for a few seconds, and consider the situation: If you resist saying
what may cause a bigger problem than just leaving it alone, gather your inner
strength, and do resist. If it will
actually help a situation for you to say what you feel you need to say, then do
so kindly, gently and fairly…..always keeping in mind not to allow your
frequency to fall. You will always know
whether or not to resist or to give in, if you just hold on for a few seconds,
and let your “Higher Authority” provide you with the right decision to make.
All too often, we humans jump
into a situation or conversation or act that puts us in a compromising position.
Being present, focused and grounded at every moment keeps you from doing that.
Rise above the urge to say or do something that will bring negative results
into your energy field, thus lowering your frequency and your quality of
life---if even if it’s for a short period of time. Each time you resist an act
or a spoken word that would have created uncomfortable or problematic consequences
for you, pat yourself on the back---congratulate yourself for having been
strong and steadfast within your deepest self.
At times, resisting can work
against you. You might want to tell someone close to you that you love
them…..but you don’t; you resist. Resisting saying a word or doing an act that
comes from your heart---your soul---is counterproductive to your spiritual
evolvement; ignoring the desires and needs of your soul, your spirit and your
heart affect the power and effectiveness of your frequency! You’ll stay right
where you are, or you might even lower your frequency to an undesirable level.
The more you resist expressing positive, loving words and actions, the more
difficult it will be for you to rise above those personal traits of yours that
keep you from soaring to higher, more rewarding, frequencies of living your
life, in this world.
Apologizing can
be quite difficult for humans to do. You know
when it’s the right thing to do because you can feel it in your gut; in fact,
when saying you’re sorry is so necessary that your entire system feels uneasy
and uncomfortable, you’ve got to pull yourself together and express your true
feelings. Purge. Purging frees up the
negative energies within you, and replenishes you with liberating, cleansing,
personal power.
If you pick up a card or a
bunch of flowers to take to someone---a gesture of love and caring---and then
you put them back, thinking,
“No, they won’t care, they
won’t like them, I don’t want to spend the money”, etc., etc…… then you are
cheating yourself, lowering your frequency because you are not in alignment
with the higher energies of love, giving and generosity; you’re thinking more
about your own lower-minded agenda. Your resistance to follow your heart is the
kind of resistance that stands in your way of progressing toward “higher
ground”---a much better way of living. As long as you resist the urge---your
spirit’s and heart’s urge---to give, to love, to say and do those things that
open the hearts and spirits of others, you
won’t grow; you will stagnate and remain less of who you really are.
Resist in
the face of losing your power. Don’t
resist in the face of holding onto your power.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
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