Have you been finding it
difficult to achieve satisfying,
gratifying, elevating meditation sessions? Have you been getting in the way of You?
If you’re not
happy with your attempts at
meditating lately---or ever, for that
matter---the reason is often, if not always, this: During your routine days,
you’re not keeping in touch with the very most important part of you: your spirit. If you find yourself
focusing primarily---or exclusively---on the outer world, on your woes,
worries, money, relationship---what have you, then you are seriously out of
touch with that which is responsible for
reeling you in…to yourself; you haven’t accessed the focal part of your very
existence: spirit.
It isn’t necessarily
your fault if this happens. After all, you’re human.
You’re not expected to know
the full gamut of the ropes for running your spiritual life at the same time as your human life. And yet, you are
eventually expected to learn how to
mesh the two together, so that you can manage such an odd
combination masterfully, on an ongoing basis.
Here’s how you do it: You’ve
got to regularly integrate those
areas of existence that are spiritual with those that are mundane. That’s how
you become a perfectly well-rounded human being. That’s why you’re here on
Earth, actually: to learn how to do just
that! Integrating spirituality into your Earth life is not necessarily
going to church or temple, or chanting mindlessly while you’re thinking about
the next thing you’d rather be doing.
Being spiritual is living spiritually. The world of spirit
encompasses anything and everything that inspires you, lifts you, raises your
frequency---in a way that genuinely makes you happy! Whatever it is that nourishes your spirit is what you are
meant to do to activate the spiritual
side of your life!
When you’re not meditating
effectively---which translates into happily---your
spirit is trying to tell you that you are ignoring it, on the deepest, most
fundamental levels. Your spirit requires that you jump out of the box of the
mundane and spring into circles and twirls and swirls of the ethereal---which
is a very big part of you; in fact, it is
you. The world of swirls and twirls and circles and….joy…is creativity. Whenever you create, and
whatever you create, springs from the deepest wells within you. Be it art,
music, gardening, cooking, singing, sewing, coloring---anything creative---you are feeding your spirit what it needs. This
will get you deeply in touch with that part of you that will surface in your
meditation periods, bringing you the kind of peace and well-being that you’ve
been yearning for.
Being in Nature will also
take you there---to that place within you that pulls you into your “real” self,
that part with which you experience your greatest intimacy…with yourself….your Self.
Being in or near water is
also a spiritual activity. Actually, water is
spirit; the world of spirit is represented by the symbolism of water. The water
signs of astrology---particularly
Pisces---are considered to be the most spiritual of all the signs of the
Maintaining an awareness of
the need to immerse yourself in your own world of spirit is what will raise
your frequency to a level where your daily mediation will send you spiraling
higher, wider and further to greater joy and more profound inner peace, stability
and a loftier elevation of consciousness.
Try it out….and let me know how
it's working for you.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and
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