Your integrity is one of the
top most important and effective ways in which you can raise your frequency.
It’s not a matter of “practicing” or implementing anything, per se; it’s a
matter of being the very best that
you can be. Integrity incorporates everything
that is good about you: respect for yourself, for others, for your things, for
other people’s things, for animals, plants, trees, all of Nature. Integrity
encompasses truth and honesty in everything that you do, say, think, feel and
intend; it is admitting fault when you are at fault, not cheating---even in the
tiniest way. It is all recorded into
your very own database: your frequency. If you can’t figure out why your life
seems to be stuck, not going anywhere---or going in the wrong direction,
according to your assessment---take some inventory: Examine every bit of your
actions, intentions, thoughts, attitudes toward others, toward your very life,
even toward yourself. Do you see yourself as a loser, as a conniver or as the
type of person that you would not
want as your friend?
Integrity is always taking
the high road, coming big, doing what
in your gut is the right thing to
always do. These are the things that fortify your frequency, that give it the
power and the drive to take you to places in your life where you would
otherwise never even dream of---places where you will ultimately find true and
unadulterated happiness---the real thing, not the razzle-dazzle
trinkets that so many people get mesmerized by, thinking that that is the
ultimate “life dream-come-true”. No. With full, pristine integrity, your frequency takes you to you---to what you require in order to find your bliss, to what sparks your spirit
every day, from deep within.
If you know that taking a risk that defies the epitome of integrity is
wrong, and you go ahead and take that risk, big
mistake. People cut themselves short all the time, in the name of instant
gratification, which only exists in the mundane, unreal world of temptation. Temptation is actually a good thing: It teaches us not to give in
to it, particularly when we know that it’s not in our best interest to imbibe.
How does it teach us? When we screw up. Regret can be a powerfully
uncomfortable feeling; that’s the good part because it usually keeps us from
making the same mistake again.
Integrity is valuing all that
you have. All that you have is there, for you to learn, grow and benefit
from---and often, to enjoy. Every step of your way, pay attention to who you are: What are you doing? What
are you thinking? What are you saying? Follow
your heart, whenever you’re not sure of anything. Follow your heart and then
pass it on to the world.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
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