Now is the
only time that your frequency exists. In fact, now is the only time that you
exist. You ride the wave with your frequency….and it rides the wave with you, in concert. Unless your full “earth
package”---mind, body, spirit---is in
the now, your frequency cannot do anything that can attract those higher
life energies that appeal to you so much; because what those powerful energies
bring to you are the answers to your greatest desires; those desires will always be in your very best and highest
interest. You might be “wishing” for a car, a new house, or to become a movie
star. The energy of those wishes are not in the present; you’re reaching too
far---you’re projecting your mind and spirit into the future, which doesn’t
exist. Frequency doesn’t work that way---not in the future, not where nothing exists.
To be certain that you are on
the right path, that your best and highest interest is in sync with what you want your best and highest interest to
be, you’ve got to be here, NOW. Dreaming,
wishing, hoping, expecting, wanting bring nothing but more of the same:
dreaming, wishing, etc…….
Since frequency comes
directly from the Godhead, it already knows
what will bring you ultimate happiness and peace of mind and spirit. All you
have to do is let it guide you. It can guide you the best when you are in the present, focused, centered, grounded
and facing forward. We humans get distracted all the time. Distractions weaken us.
That’s why it is important to make the effort to be as present as possible, all the time. I’m not saying it’s easy
to do; but I am saying that with
concerted practice, you become
stronger by the minute. Eventually---and not so far beyond---living in the now will become like second nature to
The more self-empowered you
become---yes! by just staying in the present moment---you may find
yourself feeling as though you’re on a deserted island, as you watch and listen
to other people going on and on about their worries and fears (in the future),
their regrets, resentment, anger and “the good old days” (in the past), why and how they are not happy now! Duh. That kind of feeling you might
experience is a good thing: It shows
you where you are---that you are now resonating at a frequency zone which is
far above the “place” where you used to be! At this point, you should be
receiving Life gifts, right and left. These “Life gifts” are not usually
related to the mundane; although, at times, they can be, and quite pleasantly so.
You will definitely attract new people into your life who resonate
at your heighted frequency; many kinds of opportunities will knock at your
metaphorical door---and maybe your actual door, as well! Miracles will abound.
Miracles happen all the time when you
reside at high frequency levels of living. You will see your life transform
into a magical ride through life. It doesn’t mean that you will not encounter
difficulties or problems, from time to time; that’s just part and parcel of
being on this planet. However, when those uncomfortable periods arise for you,
your ability to resolve the problems, slide right by them or somehow magically be lifted right out of them
will be the norm. It can’t hurt to work on dramatically raising your frequency
particularly when you are in a bind.
There is only one way for you
to know for sure if what I am telling you is truth or fiction: Keep raising your frequency. I am not a
fiction writer. I am a non-fiction writer; and what I write is based on my own
experience, over the last four decades of having worked with frequency. Ask me
some questions.
I would love to hear from you….now.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and
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