Taking the appropriate
action toward following your bliss is the key to
When we raise our frequency high enough to be in
sync with elevated energies that open our lives to greater opportunities, we no
longer need to concern ourselves with needless fretting over lack of money,
love, health, or anything that might hinder us from having the best conditions
for our Earth adventure. It will all be
there for us, in its time.
The key to completing
yourself is pursuing that which fills your heart with joy and
satisfaction. It is your purpose.
As you work with the tools that contribute
to raising your frequency, many changes will be set in motion. Among the
principal changes will be the generating of
synchronicity: As we change, the Universe expands and advances that change.
In other words, if you focus your mind, spirit and
heart on your purpose---your bliss---and you take steps toward
fulfilling that purpose, you will inevitably encounter people and circumstances
that will propel you further and faster along your destined path.
If you feel that you have
raised your frequency sufficiently, and yet, you are still not where you want
to be, then you clearly have not raised your frequency enough, relative to your
Higher Self’s particular requirements. Push the envelope, take the
initiative---take the risk: Pull yourself out of where you don’t want to be,
and take yourself where you want to
be. Your life serves as your own gauge for where you are and how far you have
advanced. You are the key to moving
your life beyond where you don’t want to
Once you do help yourself,
your frequency is then catapulted to an entirely new---higher---level of awareness, opportunity and
Some of our most rewarding
and significant periods are brought about by difficult or seemingly impossible
changes. We never arrive at such places in our lives that are not ripe for us
to be at.
higher the frequency, the higher the price. But, the higher the price, the
greater the value of what we achieve.
Leap...and the net will appear!
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and Kindle
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