Life is really so easy, if we just let it be so. Anger, frustration, despondency and worry, for example, can be brought up to a higher level of managing your momentary negative sidetrack by using simple, easy techniques. These techniques take no effort; in fact, you will find them to be simple and quite effective in balancing your temporary wobbly state of being. Smile! Did you know that when you smile, your entire physical, mental and emotional systems relax, ease up and become more positive, kind, patient and loving? Whether you are with people or alone, your smile breaks down negative energies that you had accumulated earlier. The cells in your body actually become healthier, your entire system reduces stress, relieves pain and boosts your immune system. Listen to Charlie Chaplin's famous song, Smile----it might just make you smile, after all. :o)
Another easy, friendly and therapeutic way to quickly revert back to the happier, healthier and wiser "you" is to go into Nature. Whether you go to a park, the mountains, a lake or ocean, the countryside or anywhere that is a natural setting, you will immediately lift your entire being to a more serene, healthy and more perceptive take on life: When we settle down and allow ourselves to unwind during our low periods, the wisdom of Nature has a magical way of bringing clarity to what had been mental and emotional chaos within our psyche----even for a short period of time.
You can immediately and effectively shift your inner and outer beings to a calm, peaceful, aware and flexible place, simply by taking long, deep breaths. Pull the air up from deep down in your abdomen, keeping your mouth closed, while inhaling with your nostrils wide open. Deep breathing is the oldest and most effective way to calm stress, pain, and inner turmoil. If you can, keep your eyes closed, while breathing deeply, and imagine lovely, funny, serene, comfortable or joyful visualizations, you will take yourself back up to your usual high-frequency zone.
These are just a few very effective ways to raise your frequency in just a few seconds. When you follow through with any uplifting type of enhancement to your life, make the effort to be positive while you focus on those helpful tactics.
The more you practice simple ways of fine-tuning your Earthly vehicle, the more you will give your higher self the opportunity to meet you on higher ground, every single day of your life.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and Kindle
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