Do you feel as though you are
stuck in your life---in limbo, maybe? Do you feel as though you’ve taken all
the steps necessary to take you to higher levels of living; yet, nothing seems
to be happening to spur you on? Are you disenchanted, disappointed and maybe
even fed up? If this is the case, my
guess is that you might just need a spiritual jump start to how you are living your life---to how you may be
ignoring the needs of your spirit and the power of your frequency.
To keep your frequency
whirring at a healthy rate and a stellar resonance, you need to “maintain” it,
as you would your car, your body and your home. Without a healthy frequency,
the rest of your life cannot remain balanced and thriving for very long. It is
your spirit, in conjunction with your frequency, that will keep you at optimal
levels of everyday living. Once you start lagging behind in your “life
maintenance program”, that’s often when you find yourself spinning your
wheels---wanting to get somewhere, without even knowing where.
You don’t need to have an
agenda, per se, in order to have a “great life”. We often do have agendas;
however, they might not be agendas that are in our best and highest interest, or…they actually block the avenues that we were meant
to take for our greatest spiritual
and earthly development.
Wherever you are in your
life, right now, here is a suggestion
for you: Go about your daily affairs, not
thinking about the future, and what’s in it for you. That’s the best way
for you to short circuit the best outcome for you. Stay present at all times;
forget the past and definitely forget the future. In this way, you yield to the
Universe to do all your “footwork” for
you. After all, that is its job!
The Universe is always seeking to expand---and one of the best ways that it can
do that is through us!
Now, that’s all fine and
good. However, there is more. In
order to rev up our frequency, we first have to rev up ourselves. Sometimes we
are stuck because there are blockages
within us: unresolved issues---in relationships, with judgment,
inflexibility, holding on to grudges, anger, resentment, not coming clean with
cheating or lying. All those things build up within your psyche, weighing down
your frequency and slowing down your positive, smooth flow through Life. There
is only one way to get you on your way: purge:
Get rid of the muck that has built up inside you; release the heavy burdens of
ego so that you can get back on a clean slate and a clear path to happiness and
lightness of being.
Purging is the healthiest
action that we can take to cleanse our mind, heart and spirit of the trash that
we have spewed onto ourselves; or, as the dictionary calls it: a cathartic release. When you are sick and
feeling nauseated, a physical purge is what makes you feel better. The same
goes for when you experience a spiritual, mental or emotional purging. The key
is , however, to purge in sensible ways, if you want to cast away negative
energies that are possibly lurking inside you, causing a spiritual malaise and
stymying you from attaining your goals and living your true purpose.
Here are some ways that you
can purge yourself of the demons that hold you back and keep you feeling
scared, weak and hopeless. First, accept that there is no guilt. Whatever you have done to hurt someone else, come clean,
in whatever way that you feel will thoroughly purge you of what is currently
weighing you down. If you’ve missed an opportunity, didn’t get what you wanted
or are jealous of someone else’s good fortune, purge it out of you! Those destructive feelings are energy driven, and in order to surge
in your life, you’ve got to purge all
the negatives out!
It’s not the easiest thing to
rid ourselves of our negative feelings and habits. But there are very beneficial means of getting the
job done by following some basic Universal principles: meditation, journal
writing, spending time in Nature, exercise and definitely CREATIVE EXPRESSION! Clean out the clutter from your
house or apartment; that is another very proactive way to clear out the clutter
from within yourself! Read some of the other posts on this blog, and see how they might help you clear out your mental, emotional and spiritual waste. You will be happy that you did.
Own up to your self-imposed
setbacks. Take steps to purge in order to take steps to surge beyond where you
are right now. Apologize, admit to having done wrong, present yourself in a strong, spiritually powerful manner; you
can only do that by connecting with your spirit. Come clean. Do what it takes to cleanse your psyche. The more
difficult you find it to be, the better it will be for you, once you actually
do it.
Set yourself free and continue soaring with your newly-charged frequency!
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and
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