Life is so much better when
we stop thinking. I am so much
happier when I don’t think---when I am present in the moment, not supposing,
worrying or wondering about anything. It does no one any good to work their
mind in a manner that has no real purpose….other than to make them suppose,
worry and wonder even more.
We don’t have a handle on
anything when we don’t know what’s out
there, in the future. If we’re not in the here and now, then
where are we?
Nowhere. I’d
much rather be somewhere and not thinking…..than nowhere and thinking about
nothing---other than what isn’t…yet….or
what was…then.
I’ve never been happy when I
fret, hope, expect, doubt or suppose. All those “symptoms” of unease do nothing
at all to raise your frequency. In fact, they lower your frequency.
You’re out there, somewhere in
Nowhereland, where something “good” might happen to you, or not---where what you
expect doesn’t happen. In fact, the more you focus on what’s not there now, the more likely you are to manifest
just that: nothing. You are not anywhere, at any time in your life when you’re not
present and focused on the matter at hand.
Sometimes we’re lucky. We
hope, dream and expect something to happen---and it does. But that’s risky. I’d
rather hold onto my chips and let the Universe decide what will happen. If we
decide what’s going to make us happy, we might get it wrong; it might turn
sour. I don’t hedge my bets anymore.
If I’m on a fence, not really knowing which way to go, I release it all and
give it up to Spirit---Great Spirit. If
you haven’t tried it, I suggest that you do. At least, be thought-less; keep your mind free and wide open.
There is such magnificent
artistry in the sleight of hand that maneuvers our lives so that everything
falls into place as it should. “Should”, in this context, is what will
invariably be in our best and highest interest, in the long run. Imagine wanting the house of your dreams,
wishing, hoping, having to have it……..and
you get it; and a couple of years later, you lose it, for one reason or
another. That will never happen
unless you’re living on the wrong side of the tracks, pushing for something
that won’t be good for you down the road.
Thinking in the past is just
as bad. It’s like stepping on the accelerator while your other foot is on the
brake: You hold yourself back, spinning
your wheels. Your frequency can’t go anywhere if you’re still stuck in the
past, for whatever reason whatsoever. Let it go.
You will be your happiest
when you’re not thinking of anything other than what is wonderful in this moment. If someone is giving you a hard time at
work, you can shift the energy around. If you really can’t, then shut down your
negative mind, and use your high frequency to bring in only something very positive from your higher mind. It’s all there,
within you. All you have to do is just decide which way you want to go---and
which way you want your frequency to go.
It is fascinating to watch
Life work its way around your life, while you are manipulating situations
therein. You can change another person’s attitude toward you by your changing your attitude toward them. You don’t
have to see them or talk to them in order to do that; all you have to do is
decide to see them in a different light. That is how Life works: What you give
out---from your heart, mind and soul---is equal to what you will receive in
kind. Energy---frequency---makes things happen, for bad or for good. As
long as you keep your mind “clean”, your life will run a lot more smoothly.
Use your frequency in positive ways to always
work in your behalf.
Every day, I receive a number
of wise adages. Here are a couple that I received just yesterday and today. Enjoy
"As soon as
we think we know what’s going to happen, life shows us that we don’t."
Adyashanti -
people as if they were what they should be, and you help them become what they
are capable of becoming."
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and
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