If you don’t let up on your
chores, projects and errands, on any given day, your frequency will inevitably
slow down, until you give it a chance to rise again. Frequency rises when you thrive. When you are bogged
down by too much work, too much responsibility---and even too much fun, you
will tax your energy, momentum, flow and sparkle. No matter how much work, toil
or running around in circles you do, you need a break at sensible intervals; you
need free time.
Many people believe that
“free time” is wasted time---useless, unnecessary and frivolous. On the
contrary: Free time gives you the impetus and more energy and spunk to get back
to what you were doing---workwise or anything else, be it a project, something
creative or taking care of someone. Without that break, several times a day, every day, your stamina will last less
and less---and what’s worse: your ebullient spirit will wither. It’s your
spirit that keeps you going in life; it’s your spirit that keeps you
happy---only when you do those things
that make your spirit thrive. Spirit doesn’t put on any shows; when it’s
drooping, it’s the real thing, and it needs help to bounce back to its
high-frequency place in your daily life.
Your aim should be to
consistently keep your frequency resonating at high intervals. Every time it
sags, you have to get it going again.
So you slow down your progress toward a better way of living, overall.
When you are working at
anything, don’t analyze whether or not you should stop and take some free time
for yourself; don’t base it on the time of day, either. When you’re feeling
like you are unraveling, stop. If you
are at work, where specific times are allotted to you, and you feel like you
need a break before those specified times, stop for a few
seconds---a minute or two would work; close your eyes and take very deep
breaths; drink some water. The sugary stuff, like sodas---including diet sodas,
which are the worst---will enervate you even more.
Make spaces between the
things that you do, in all of your days. Make free time really free time. If you need quietude, go get it, any way you can.
If you need space and privacy, get them. Go sit under a tree, near a fountain,
on some steps or even in your car. Do whatever you have to do to recharge all of you: your mind, body and spirit.
Your frequency will be waiting for you to do that, so that it can zoom up to
its preferred, lofty zones in your life.
Ideally, free time should be
experienced as any other “event” in your day.
Whatever you do in your free
time, make it pleasant, satisfying and easy, while
maybe even being just a bit
challenging. One of my favorite “free times” is doing crossword puzzles. It
relaxes me, makes me happy and works my mind, but in a different way from the
part of my mind that I use while I’m working. It is important, in your free
time, to do something completely different from what you do during the rest of
your work day.
If you take some free time away from too much “fun”, you may just need to be alone, to get away from people for a time. You may feel the need to unwind, in whatever way you feel your system would benefit.
time is as necessary a frequency-raiser or high-frequency maintenance as any other
practice or activity that you take on every day. The key is balance.
Balance your life: You will
find that your days will go a lot more smoothly, you’ll feel more energetic and
less tired, and you will sleep better through the night.
Follow the needs of your
spirit. You will always know when you need to stop and take a break---some free
time---because you will experience the calling
of your spirit. In so doing, you will continue on the right track, giving your
frequency the impetus that it needs to bring high-powered life energy into your
sphere. As such, it will take you to those high-frequency zones where only you will decide when, where, and how
you will spend your free time, for
the rest of your beautiful life!
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and
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