Miracles can happen to you at
any point in time. Some people aren’t clear as to what, exactly, a miracle is.
Could it be seeing Jesus appear before them? I’d say that’s a pretty phenomenal
miracle! But what about meeting someone by chance who gives you the answer to a
problem you’ve been troubled by? That’s a miracle; so is finding a $10 bill in the street! Arriving late at your
dentist appointment, and as you arrive, someone is pulling out of a parking
space, right in front of the building where the dentist is---and it is the only space available. That’s a miracle,
too. It is your miracle. Miracles
don’t just wait around for just anybody to
appear. They come only to those of us who are ripe and ready for one---and the
miracles that we receive, in any given place or time, are just the right
miracles for us.
Your frequency has got to be
in pretty full swing, for you to get any kind
of miracle. Actually, there are no “kinds” of miracles. According to A Course in Miracles, there is no order
of miracles. A miracle is a miracle is a miracle.
I experience miracles all the
time---all kinds of miracles. It has nothing at all to
do with luck, at least, the way most people think of it. When people say, “Luck is what you make of it”, I’d have to agree
with that. A good way to bring luck into your life is by
keeping a good eye on your frequency. It isn’t enough to say, “I think my
frequency is ‘high’ today”. That won’t get you far. You’ve got to do
something about it.
As soon as you say, think or feel that “your frequency is high”, you could lose it---in a sense, jinx it! It has been scientifically proven that when we observe or pay attention to something---anything---that thing actually shifts---changes, either in color, shape, energy, direction, or in some other fascinating way. Just keep working on keeping your frequency “up”, no matter how it feels to you, at any given point in time. When we’re too sure of anything, the Universe’s sleight of hand might prove us wrong, just to show us that we can’t be sure of anything….other than the Greatness of The Divine.
Back to miracles. Though miracles can happen at any point in time, they don’t happen just because. Nothing happens “just because”. Everything that is is because of a miracle that happened
to create it. If you’ve experienced the seemingly simplest, yet most wonderful,
miracle, be thankful. Say you need to get home on a bus; but you need just one more nickel, to get you on that bus. You ask a number of people if they could give you a nickel. Not a one would give it to you. You're just about to break into tears, hanging your head low.....
when, lo and behold, right at your feet, is that nickel. Is that a "little" miracle? Or is it a super-fantastic one? It's all relative, isn't it? A certain other miracle might have come to you, either to compensate you for some good you did in the past, to teach you something, or to lead you on a path that will take you toward your purpose---maybe your purpose in life, or maybe your purpose for the day. At any rate, it is your miracle. You deserve it.
when, lo and behold, right at your feet, is that nickel. Is that a "little" miracle? Or is it a super-fantastic one? It's all relative, isn't it? A certain other miracle might have come to you, either to compensate you for some good you did in the past, to teach you something, or to lead you on a path that will take you toward your purpose---maybe your purpose in life, or maybe your purpose for the day. At any rate, it is your miracle. You deserve it.
If you see a signpost or read
a passage in a book that helps you to be a better person---to raise your frequency, for example---regard that as a definite miracle. Don’t
disregard or minimize your miracle. Remember: No miracle is greater or less
than any other; they all come from The Same Source. Give thanks for your miracle.
The worst thing you can do is to disregard any miracle that comes your way. It
is a gift from The Divine to you. Acknowledge
yourself, as well, for having remained in alignment with the Universe’s tenets,
which clearly kept your frequency buoyant and serving you well.
Take cognizance of your
miracles: They provide great meaning and often pleasure in your life. A
thankful heart begets miracles.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and
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