Without care, we might as well not be human. We human beings have the
greatest capacity to care, and yet, I don’t see a whole lot of caring, around
town, these days. The one thing I do see
a lot of is people caring primarily or only
about themselves. Ego seems to predominate far greater than soul. And yet, we are soul. We are not ego.
On the mundane plane, ego
dominates---even in the animal world. We were put on this beautiful planet
Earth for the basic reason to learn and progress spiritually---not humanly.
However, as humans, that is the very
test that has been put upon us: to come from who we really are---as spirits---yet within an earthly vehicle: our
physical bodies. Why? you might ask.
Ego is the draw; so, ego is also the
teacher. Brilliant, isn’t it???
We are all one, and we all come from One---One Source. But we have become
very accustomed to splitting apart---apart from other human beings and apart from Life itself,
so it seems. We’ve even split apart from ourselves.
We care about how we look, our achievements, our possessions and how many
friends we have, and who they are. Who
cares? We do, actually---somewhere inside there. For many people, they have
allowed ego to take center stage in their lives; thus, truly caring about
others does not exist in their present consciousness. They don’t even care about
Getting down to brass tacks, what is caring about another human being?
Is loving them enough to show that we care? I’m not so sure about that; neither
is my frequency. In fact, Caring is
one of the principal Universal tenets for raising your frequency. Yet, caring
is not something that you can make someone else do; it’s not even something you
can study or learn. It comes from valuing
another human being---or the trees, the animals, Life itself. Valuing someone or something doesn’t just come about
on its own, either. Caring and valuing come from cultivating, nurturing, developing spiritual power. Caring can be
one of the many beautiful results that are spawned from the steps you take from raising your frequency.
The higher you raise your
frequency, the more in tune with heavenly
vibrations you become. When you resonate at that level of frequency, you see yourself transform into who you really
are: a spirit in the flesh. When you
come from “spirit”---not ego---every day of your life, you bring a lot of
miracles your way. If you suddenly find yourself caring a lot more than ever
before, showing true concern for people, animals, trees, the world, and showing it
by going out of your way to make a difference---whether small or large---you’re there! You have triumphed over
ego---even if it is by small measures, that is definitely great progress.
Keep cultivating your caring.
Some people get embarrassed or shy to show that they care. If that happens to
you, you’ll know that ego has walked
in. Step up your frequency by exercising your will to empower yourself continuously. Shun ego.
showing that you care---is just one
of the many ways that you can make this world a much better place. Yes, just you. Remember: It takes just one spark to dispel the darkness.
When you show that you care, you bring light
to another person’s life.
It is the little things that count. You don’t have to do anything
grandiose to show you care. Any
gesture of kindness, love, care will immediately
raise your frequency. If the gesture isn’t genuine---that is, if it doesn’t
come from your heart, spirit and soul---your
frequency knows, and it also knows not to rise. Stay true to yourself and
don’t let your frequency down.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
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