All that has been
set forth by Cosmic Law is based on Order. Without Order in the Universe,
nothing could exist. The concept of Order extends to everything which is governed
by Cosmic Law, also known as The Life Force. Order is endless, infinite, and applies to all that is. That includes you and me.
Because human
beings are endowed with an abundance of free will, the manner in which they
maintain order in their lives (or not) will vary from person to person. We have
been given free rein to make a mess or a masterpiece of our lives. Maintain
order in your body, your living and working spaces, your affairs and in all the
factors that make life, and your life will wondrously and naturally fall into
order. Set your daily affairs in motion with simple planning and organization,
and you will see how uncomplicated life
can be. If there are too many things going on in your life which compromise its
balance, then take the necessary measures to restore Order by eliminating some
of those elements which clutter or contribute to the disorganization of your
living standards. Choose one area of your life at a time that needs fixing or doing away with. Then move on to the next; fix
it, and then do the same with all the other bits of your life which have gone
out of orb. Work with each problem area individually until order is restored.
Put your life in an orderly way.
If your body is out of sorts, fix that
first. An out-of-order body can’t do much about
effectively organizing much
else. If your house is a mess, put it in order. Be sure to remove the clutter
first. Cleaning up and removing clutter is only the first step to establishing
Take the time and the care to place
your belongings in an order which is comfortable, useful and pleasing to your
eye. You may even wish to change the positioning of the furniture and
accessories in order to give the room(s) a more appealing, fresh, look.
Consider reading up on the philosophy and practice of Feng Shui; or better yet,
consult a Feng Shui expert. When a room’s appearance is altered, the frequency
in that space shifts, as well. Make sure your space shifts to a higher frequency.
Once you have put your place in order,
stay there for a while. Experience---feel---the
energy. Observe the way in which you have put things in order. Does it feel
right to you? Can you tell if the frequency of the room or
rooms has risen? The more you attune yourself to the concept and principles of energy and
frequency, the more adept you will become at sensing if a particular frequency
is beneficial or working at cross purposes to your innate sense of Order.
The time that it
takes to put your affairs in order is a minute fraction of the time and energy
that it costs you to live without Order.
Be good to yourself. The more order you restore in your life, the more self-respect you will have. When your life is in order,
there is a hum in your spirit, and a spring in your step. Your frequency is up!
If we think beyond the present moment of
the consequences that will befall us by our own lazy habits, then, little by
little, that extra bit of effort will increase our frequency. As we observe how our lives continue to
improve by taking even small, positive steps, Life becomes easier and more enjoyable, simply by establishing Order in all
that we do, throughout all of our days.
If you are not orderly by nature, you can
train yourself to be. As is the case with any art,
the art of living requires
attention and effort. Treat yourself to a good life by following the basic
guidelines for raising and maintaining a high frequency.
Excerpt from the pages of 32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and Kindle
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