What It's All About

Diana rays of light


Most everyone knows even a few ways to raise their frequency. You can dance, listen to music, get together with friends, exercise and hundreds of other ways to get your vibratory rate spinning at high levels. But true frequency-raising demands a consistent focus on maintaining your entire life in high gear for as long as you live. Smart frequency-raising involves both external and internal implementation of extremely useful practices that ensure a higher-than-average living experience. These “practices” are only simple shifts in how you live your life, moment to moment, every day. They are fundamental modes of directing your life toward higher, more beneficial ways of living.

In this blog, I will show you the smartest, most effective and long-term ways in which you will live at a high frequency all the time—with or without music, with or without company, with or without any extraneous elements outside of yourself. How does frequency-raising work? Here’s a short, concise explanation: Everything being essentially energy—including books, movies, houses, trees, elephants, garbage, ideas, attitudes, cities—vibrates at a particular frequency. Frequency is spirit essence. It exists literally everywhere…including within our human bodies. We are spirits inhabiting a handy, convenient “vehicle”—our bodies—which accommodate us in numerous ways, as we move through life, as it is, on planet Earth.

Your specific frequency will vibrate at any frequency with which you align yourself. So, for example, if you hang out with drug addicts or con artists, eat primarily junk food, or lie, cheat and steal, your frequency is not in a very good alignment with higher energies. Thus, you’re not living in a frequency zone where you will attract the better things in life, such as ease, plenty, sweetness, peace. You may, however, be living a righteous life, in which bounty and joy are yours. If so, ask yourself this question: Is there room for my frequency to rise? Could my life be better—in my mind, heart, spirit and body?

Many people are unhappy, unfulfilled or aimlessly going through the monotonous daily motions of earth life—especially in these days of global unrest, fear, dread and economic strife. Raising your frequency is the key to moving you out of any inner or outer turmoil, strife, malaise or a sense of futility. When your frequency rises, so does your life situation. The proof is in the pudding. Focus on just one smart way to raise your frequency for the long haul, and you will see dramatic shifts in the way your life evolves. Once you’ve got the proof, keep going with more wonderful ways to raise your frequency.

This blog will show you some of those smart ways that bring freedom, autonomy and quality into your life. Little by little, your life will improve. Watch for signs, soon after you embark on your frequency-raising mission, that effortlessly allow you to gift yourself with a balanced, quality, meaningful life.

Raise yourself from mediocrity and banality. Fine tune those sagging areas of your character or personality, work ethic, relationships, communication skills. Improve your life in any way and in all ways. There is no training, per se, involved in frequency raising. It literally happens on its own, within you, as you continue to incorporate a fresh, new ethos into your overall being. That’s the smart way to raise your frequency, and keep it raised for your entire life.

Check out this blog daily, as I’ll be informing you of many different ways to raise your frequency in smart, long-lasting, powerful ways. Raising your frequency is the single most important thing that you can do. When your frequency rises, it automatically does the same for the world around you.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


A resolution, per se, is not something to take lightly. It is a promise, a pledge., to follow through with what one has committed to following through with. Maybe in our world, one can be flaky about such promises; but not in the world of spirit---in the Universe. Once you make a commitment---a resolution---you must stick to it, for your very own sake.  Falling short of following through with a resolution---New Year’s or whenever---you will have cheated yourself, as well as God, the Universe, All That Is.

It appears to be the case, all too often, that people in general take most things lightly: They don’t stick to their guns; they seem to be  weak-hearted in the area of stick-to-itiveness, stamina, resolve and a clear view of their future. Clearly, you are not one of those folks; otherwise, you would not be reading this. Thus, this post is for you.

Whenever you make a resolution---a commitment to follow through on your promise, to yourself or to anyone else---you must be thoroughly clean and certain about it; otherwise, hold back until you are. Remember: This is for the long haul.

Now that we’ve gotten past that, we can get down to the nuts and bolts of making a resolution---for this time of year, a New Year’s Resolution. A New Year’s Resolution means just that: Following through with your promise to commit to those resolutions---within your heart and soul---that you abide by them…..not just for the year---not just for 2016, but forever and a day. If you fall back on your resolution, you fall back on yourself; and then, it’s a lot harder to pick yourself up. This is because when you’ve invested so much of your psychic energy into something as powerful as a promise to the Universe, getting back on track will require that you to make a much greater effort the next time. So be sure that when you resolve to write that book, finish knitting that sweater, never saying another bad word or comment about anyone---or whatever your New Year’s Resolution is---that you follow through one hundred per cent.

I’m no saint; sometimes I falter, and sometimes I am not able to follow my own advice...right away. But I do bounce back, and get back on my bandwagon of moving along my steady tracks. I can’t ignore my purpose, which is to be the best that I can be---to bring the best and highest good into my life. It isn’t just for myself, though; it is also for those around me---even those whom I don’t even know. Whatever you want for yourself, want it for everyone else, as well. The Universe is quite happy when we do that---and you get big points for it, to boot!

So, here are some suggestions for your list of New Year’s Resolutions---New Life’s Resolutions:

Be true to yourself; don’t cheat yourself out of anything that is right for you. When you go after your dreams, the Universe gets activated on your behalf, and gives you that extra push to make it happen. It truly does.

Fight temptation---whether it’s being lured by food or drink you know is the wrong thing to eat; whether you’re tempted to say something nasty or fight back. Don’t fight back. You don’t win that way; you win by taking the high road. The more you resist feeding into ego’s sick needs, the more power you build within yourself.

Go out of your way to do the right thing, whether it’s giving in, giving out, or just giving of yourself to help another person have a better day---even in the slightest way. Fight the closed parts in you that keep you from being your best self. Open yourself up. Smile, be kind, generous of spirit, and most of all, forgive. Then, watch your frequency soar!

A lot of people single out specific acts that they want to curtail, and do so by making “New Year’s Resolutions”.  They either want to lose weight, stop smoking, be nicer to their spouse, and on and on, with the same old resolutions they’ve probably made, year after year. The reason they keep coming back to the same resolutions, year after year, is because they haven’t dealt with the innards of their life situation: to shift the dynamics of who they are  fundamentally. Once they do that, then losing weight, stopping smoking and being kind to others will be a lot easier, effective and permanent.

Yes, follow the ways to raise your frequency: exercise, meditate, do journal writing, and so on; but to maximize your frequency-raising effectiveness, you also need to build a solid foundation for those building blocks that you will incorporate into your daily routines. Build up your spirit---your essence---in the process of fine-tuning your daily living experience, by using the numerous methods of raising your frequency.

The fourth New Year’s Resolution that I recommend to you is that you develop a stronger will. Don’t ever give up on yourself. Resist what you know will work against you---whether it’s the wrong foods that you eat, the wrong people you associate with, the wrong work you’re doing, the harsh words that you use, the way you treat others and any areas of yourself that you know are not serving you well---to your highest good. Every little act, word, thought or intention that is not of a high frequency will turn on you. The Universe cannot support you when you are not righteous in all your ways---whether to others, to yourself, to animals or to the environment. Resolve to strengthen your will to always do the right thing. You will always know what the “right thing” is. It is in your gut, in your heart and in your spirit.
Resist the temptation by using your will, time after time. The more you practice this most important frequency-raising tactic, the easier it becomes.

Be good to yourself….and Happy New Year---every day!  

32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon. com and Kindle

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