What It's All About

Diana rays of light


Most everyone knows even a few ways to raise their frequency. You can dance, listen to music, get together with friends, exercise and hundreds of other ways to get your vibratory rate spinning at high levels. But true frequency-raising demands a consistent focus on maintaining your entire life in high gear for as long as you live. Smart frequency-raising involves both external and internal implementation of extremely useful practices that ensure a higher-than-average living experience. These “practices” are only simple shifts in how you live your life, moment to moment, every day. They are fundamental modes of directing your life toward higher, more beneficial ways of living.

In this blog, I will show you the smartest, most effective and long-term ways in which you will live at a high frequency all the time—with or without music, with or without company, with or without any extraneous elements outside of yourself. How does frequency-raising work? Here’s a short, concise explanation: Everything being essentially energy—including books, movies, houses, trees, elephants, garbage, ideas, attitudes, cities—vibrates at a particular frequency. Frequency is spirit essence. It exists literally everywhere…including within our human bodies. We are spirits inhabiting a handy, convenient “vehicle”—our bodies—which accommodate us in numerous ways, as we move through life, as it is, on planet Earth.

Your specific frequency will vibrate at any frequency with which you align yourself. So, for example, if you hang out with drug addicts or con artists, eat primarily junk food, or lie, cheat and steal, your frequency is not in a very good alignment with higher energies. Thus, you’re not living in a frequency zone where you will attract the better things in life, such as ease, plenty, sweetness, peace. You may, however, be living a righteous life, in which bounty and joy are yours. If so, ask yourself this question: Is there room for my frequency to rise? Could my life be better—in my mind, heart, spirit and body?

Many people are unhappy, unfulfilled or aimlessly going through the monotonous daily motions of earth life—especially in these days of global unrest, fear, dread and economic strife. Raising your frequency is the key to moving you out of any inner or outer turmoil, strife, malaise or a sense of futility. When your frequency rises, so does your life situation. The proof is in the pudding. Focus on just one smart way to raise your frequency for the long haul, and you will see dramatic shifts in the way your life evolves. Once you’ve got the proof, keep going with more wonderful ways to raise your frequency.

This blog will show you some of those smart ways that bring freedom, autonomy and quality into your life. Little by little, your life will improve. Watch for signs, soon after you embark on your frequency-raising mission, that effortlessly allow you to gift yourself with a balanced, quality, meaningful life.

Raise yourself from mediocrity and banality. Fine tune those sagging areas of your character or personality, work ethic, relationships, communication skills. Improve your life in any way and in all ways. There is no training, per se, involved in frequency raising. It literally happens on its own, within you, as you continue to incorporate a fresh, new ethos into your overall being. That’s the smart way to raise your frequency, and keep it raised for your entire life.

Check out this blog daily, as I’ll be informing you of many different ways to raise your frequency in smart, long-lasting, powerful ways. Raising your frequency is the single most important thing that you can do. When your frequency rises, it automatically does the same for the world around you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Do you have an idea of who you are?  How much of you is human? How much of you is spirit? How much of you is ego? How much of you is none of the above-mentioned? Are you all of them combined?

It is good to take serious inventory of what principal role we play in our respective lives. Even though one follows through dutifully on their obligations and responsibilities, who is it who is “in there”, making things happen in their life? Here is a question that might help you come up with the right---or partially right---answer: Who is the driver? Who, in you, makes things happen in your life, in the way that makes you who you are---as spirit living in a human body? Is the driver in you primarily your head? your body? your heart? soul? spirit?....or ego?

This is a tricky question because, if you are primarily driven by ego, you won’t know who the driver is; that’s how potent, overpowering and dangerous ego can be. It can literally take over one’s life; then later on, as one becomes more seasoned as a human being, after all the onslaughts of difficult life-learning that he or she has gone through, the only place to go is within: This is where and when self-inventory makes us wiser, softer, and better overall. It also puts us in touch with who we are.

When we shed ego’s ugly skin, our mind also tends to clear up and become fresh, clean and healthy. That’s when we become truly human---the way it was always intended. Once the self-centeredness melts away and the mind is no longer cluttered, who you are is whom you will finally and happily see: heart, spirit and soul. Who becomes “the driver”, then? It is spirit. Spirit is what moves you to do the right thing---that which fills you with enthusiasm and rapture, bliss and satisfaction in whatever you are doing. As the saying goes, “When the spirit moves you……..” When the spirit moves you to do something, you’d better do it, or your newly-found higher-than-ever frequency might not take you so high. If your spirit moves you to leave your chores for a stroll around the block or an ice cream at 31 Flavors, go for it. When you return to your chores, you’ll be much better primed to continue the work, you’ll do a better, more efficient job….and you’ll be happy! If your spirit moves you to help someone across the street, or change jobs or let go of an unfriendly friend, do it. You will find yourself among fresh, new life energies in people, places, experiences and miracles. Living in sync with your spirit keeps your frequency in fine tune and rising high.

Next question: Who is the seer---the watcher---in you? There are no random or multiple answers to this question. It is unequivocally your soul. Soul is the deepest, clearest, most profound, intelligent, psychic and sensitive part in you. Sometimes you allow it into your daily routine, especially when you are melancholy, wistful or lonely. Soul, being the hub of your sensitivity, suffers when you do. It is you. Soul is the one who knows you. It is the one who watches all that you do, say, think and feel; but it does not guide you, necessarily; it watches you. After all: It is you, in the truest sense of your being. When you transcend this earth plane, it is soul that survives. It isn’t “your soul”; it is you who moves on---you are soul.

So, what’s happening to “heart” and “soul” when the spirit is following its bliss? Heart is feeling sublime and at peace within you. Soul, as always, is watching; but when it watches you following the guidance---or the urgings ---of your spirit, it rests. It doesn’t suffer, it feels no pain, sadness, remorse or despair. You---as soul---are calm, relaxed and at peace.

The more you feed your heart, spirit and soul, all day long, every single day,
the fuller, happier and more complete your life will be---you will be. Take note of who you are. See the essence of your true identity and reality. Sit back and allow “the watcher” to be the one who is present, within you, at all times. That is what being present is. When you feel the bravado or fear or selfishness of ego making its way into the heaven within you, trump it by beaming yourself up to your highest frequency, where soul brings you back to present, focused, grounded and centered---now.

32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at Amazon.com and Kindle

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