It’s not always easy to hold back when we really want something or want to do something that might not be to our benefit. But sometimes, resisting the urge---no matter how strong it is---is what will actually bring you much greater rewards in the long run. I am referring primarily to those desires and urges and seeming needs that could be detrimental to you, in one way or another, however small. Most of us already know this to be true. But in the world of frequency, it is a whole other ball game.
If you don’t resist certain foods, for example, that you know are not good for you, and you know that your body might not take well to them, you then lose power. And when you lose some of your personal power, your frequency definitely nosedives. Of course, you can bring it back up again; but what a tedious chore to continuously have to go back to square one, time after time.
The key is to take heed of your gut feeling. We usually know when something isn’t right for us, whether it’s eating the wrong thing, spending too much money or retorting with an ugly remark, when someone has seemingly insulted us. Whenever something tempts you into doing something that hurts---you and/or someone else---come big, bite the bullet and pull back. Hold onto your power.
It all has to do with energy. Holding on to what you know is the right thing for you is what will always keep your frequency up, as long as it doesn’t affect someone or something negatively. Think twice---or more than twice---if your temptation to cast aspersions about someone, to buy something that you can’t afford, to eat or drink something that could weaken your precious system, is not put in check.
This is part and parcel of fortifying our very being, which in turn, raises our frequency to such lofty heights that we couldn’t imagine living any other way. Once you see how resisting the negative and embracing the positive at every point in your life adds more and more greatness to your “Earth adventure”, you will find yourself riding high, propelled by magnum energy forces, taking you to your desired way of living.
The positive factor that lies in not being able to resist the negative is that by “screwing up”, you are reminded that you have screwed up---and that is a very good lesson. We all fall prey to our weaknesses. After all, we were meant to do just that! How else would we learn? This is why we’re here.
It is wonderful to know that we do, in fact, have complete power over ourselves. We just have to learn the ropes, little by little.
Resistance isn’t all that easy all the time; but it’s a lot better than having to undergo something harsher, when we don’t resist the temptation of ego’s underhanded and sometimes nasty tactics.
There is always a Cosmic tit-for-tat. Stay cool, knowing that you are the one in charge of your life, and in what direction it is aimed.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and Kindle
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