you continue to work on raising your frequency, those areas of your life that
once had meaning may fall away from you. As your consciousness continues to
rise, away from the lower, denser forms of the world, you will begin to attract
people who resonate with your higher frequency. You may be attracted to new
interests or different ways of living your life. There will be many unique
experiences and people that you encounter.
When you
are in tune with a high-energy vibration, you have no reason to fear accidents,
theft, harm to yourself or to your belongings. When you live your life,
following even some of the ways to
raise your frequency (“32 Ways to Raise
Your Frequency”,, you will feel safer, freer and more within
your own higher power. You will then be able to focus on the true things that
matter---those areas of your life that had previously been shrouded and
controlled by lower energy fields.
To bring
this concept down to a simpler, more comprehensible level of understanding,
let’s consider a hypothetical frequency spectrum, where number 1 is at the
lowest possible frequency domain, and 100 is at the highest. At level 1, we
find the lowest energies imaginable: famine, terrorism, cancer, hatred; need we
go on? At 100, there is perfect harmony, love, beauty, peace, sublime happiness
and tranquility. So, let’s say that a
bad car accident resonates at 7, and your frequency is at 70; there is no
possible way for you to have an accident. Your frequency and that of the car
accident are in two completely different frequency zones. You will only attract
the type of energy or frequency that exists at or around 70. If you allow
yourself to become uncontrollably angry, for example, or if you receive an
unpleasant phone call that brings up negative feelings in you, your frequency
will automatically drop---how much depends on how upset you become. The
key words to remember are if you allow.
Your frequency may not go as far down as that of a
car accident or even a parking ticket; but you might stub your toe or knock
over a bowl of soup. By remembering that everything in the Universe has a
frequency, you will come to see that events such as a stubbed toe or a fallen
bowl of soup come with their own frequency level, and that they, too, will be
encountered in situations that are ripe for their reason for being.
Once frequency starts
descending, it has the tendency to continue spiraling downward, unless it is
caught---stopped from being affected by low-energy vibes which are part and
parcel of any number of low frequency places, people, situations, thoughts or
words. Frequency shows us how and
when mistakes are made. You can stop the downward
spiraling of your frequency by focusing on
keeping it up and
implementing the necessary frequency-raising tools to do so.
eventually becomes like second nature---effortless, yet powerfully instrumental
in keeping your life balanced and well managed.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and Kindle
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and Kindle
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