There is rarely a time, if ever, when you don’t have a sign as to when your frequency has fallen---and why. Nothing ever happens for nothing. Cause and effect are in constant motion, undulating and intertwining with gazillions of frequency waves, tossing our lives about ….without our even realizing it. And what’s more: We don’t usually even realize that we are the ones who set it all in motion. Do you suppose that getting into a car accident, slamming a door on your hand, missing an appointment or even spilling coffee all over yourself, are just mishaps? They just happened? The truth is: Nothing just happens---even the slightest annoyances, inconveniences and misspoken words have a reason for being. It is the nature of things to respond in like manner to a prompt: Like attracts like.
All we have to do, in order
to figure out where our frequency has
gone, is to just connect the dots---between what you had done, said, thought, felt or intended, before the fact.
Life is rhythmic; it flows in sync with all that is. It moves at a pace that we set for ourselves---not anybody else,
even though it may seem to be that way on the outside. If you’re intending to
do something really nice for someone, without any resentment, Life’s flow will
stay in positive sync with your flow,
and all will be well. Do it with resentment, and something is going to
give---and you probably won’t like the consequences.
Whenever I’ve seen the
revolving red lights of a police car, coming up just behind me, I’ve
immediately thought, “What have I done lately, to be in this particular frequency zone?" There have been times when I’ve
answered this question with, “Nothing.”
And, wonderfully enough, I would
invariably be right: The officer may have stopped me just to let me know that
my tail light is out, or that I’d forgotten to put back the gas cap. Or even
this: He stopped me because I had turned right at a “No Right Turn on Red”
He asked me if I knew why he
had stopped me. I gently responded with a “yes”. And with that….he let me go! I felt not only satisfied that I hadn’t
received a ticket, but maybe even more so because I validated my sense of
knowing that there should have been nothing in store for me, due to my “intact
On another occasion, however,
I was speeding happily down the Hollywood Freeway, on a bright, beautiful
morning. The thought came to me that I hadn’t gotten a ticket in a long time.
Boy, did I feel smug. Guess what? Within two or three seconds, out of seemingly
nowhere, a car with red flashing lights was on my tail.
And yes, I got that ticket.
Would you say that I did not deserve it,
just for thinking that I had
gotten by so long without having gotten a ticket? Of course, I deserved it.
Whenever our biggest enemy---EGO---comes into the picture, wham, we get it, whatever “it” is.
One of our biggest defenses
against frequency plummeting is to beware
of ego creeping up on you. It happens to everyone, all the time. Sometimes,
you may wait a few seconds for Instant Karma to kick in; other times, it just
builds up, and you get a doozy. I prefer
the Instant Karma version
because, for one, I get it right
away; I mean I can connect the dots to what I’d said, done, thought, etc. just
prior to my frequency-lowering experience---or lesson.
It all makes sense,
especially the more you pay attention to your life and what’s around you---and
even more importantly, to what’s
going on inside of you.
If you think something
negative, immediately follow it by saying,
“Cancel, Cancel.” It works! So
many people that I know now do the same thing; we all swear by it. It works
because when the subconscious mind hears your “order to ‘Cancel’ ”, you have immediately
set your frequency back on the positive track. The subconscious mind “records”
every single thing that we experience in our lives---without, as well as
within. When the time is ripe for a positive or negative experience to balance out the Universe, in your
specific case, the subconscious will always
have just the right potion in store for you. Saying “Cancel, Cancel” has
worked one hundred per cent of the time for me. I wouldn’t mess with the
Universe by just letting things go, such as a dreadful thought or a nasty word
or comment under my breath.
So, regard a stubbed toe, a
broken glass, a forgotten errand or an unintended, rude comment, as a weakening
of your frequency. When our frequency slumps from its usual “high places”,
you’ll know that you have caused the tides to change. The good news is: You can shift the power and
resonance of your frequency at any point in time. Turn your thoughts around;
make them good, loving, kind….or just don’t think at all. Just move along with your life, knowing
that all is in order, particularly if you don’t interfere with any negatives or
any expectations, demands, wishes, hopes and the like. Live from your highest
place and embrace it all, knowing
your best and highest good is
all that is on the Agenda of the Universe.
32 Ways to Raise Your Frequency
Available at and Kindle
Available at and Kindle
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